Star Wars Battlefront 2
Verdict: More fun than the prequels
Platform: PS2, Xbox, PC.
Rating: 4/5
You can be Yoda.
That’s the review done, go out and buy this game. No seriously, that’s all you need to know.
Oh and you can be Darth Vader too. Satisfied?
I’ve got to say more?
Battlefront 2 is primarily a multiplayer online game in which large battles take place between two armies. You get to play as an assortment of Storm Troopers, Clone Troopers, Rebels, Droids and Jedi, each with their own weapon types, abilities and play styles. You also get a plethora of vehicles and ships at your disposal ranging from Scoutwalkers to Spider Droids.
Being a sequel it brings many new features, most notably the inclusion of a solid single player mode telling the story of ‘Revenge of the Sith’ from the eyes of a clone trooper. It’s a polished and well made campaign with varied and easy to comprehend objectives and actually feels like a real game as opposed to something that was just tacked on.
Space combat has been introduced and allows you to get behind the controls of all your favourite ships, taking part in massive dog fights and facing down the likes of Star Destroyers. The flight controls however are twitchy, the lack of a cockpit view disappointing and it lacks the grace of the PC classic ‘X-Wing’ but it’s fiery chaos is fun nonetheless.
The inclusion of Jedi’s as playable characters is something that was desperately missing from the previous game and is a joyous addition as cartwheeling round the battlefield as Yoda, maniacally swinging a Light Sabre and using force powers is non-stop fun.
Also the much needed inclusion of a first person view has allowed for a far more immersive and accurate game. For the casual gamer though the 3rd person view is fine with a well implemented lock on system and auto aim. It’s also the closest you can get to playing with your Star Wars figures.
Did I mention you can be Yoda?
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