Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (18)
Verdict: More is less.
Platform: PS2, Xbox.
Rating: 2½/5
Those that salivate at the thought of poorly animated gore, rejoice! Mortal Kombat returns in one (hopefully) final blow out with a bumper package that squeezes in every single character from the series and a whole host of extras
Outclassed in the 2D realm, Mortal Kombat has been trying to karve itself a niche in 3D. Once again offering over the top gore and uniquely, allowing players to switch between hand-to-hand and weapon based combat, it single handedly takes on the likes of Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur in one decapitating stroke. Or at least it wishes.
If a 60 strong list of characters isn’t enough to entice you, Armageddon has been spread wide and thinly to include a single player story mode and bizarrely, Kart racing.
The story mode is pure stilton with twitchy kontrols and a kombat engine at odds with the traditional 1 Vs 1 style. The Kart racing is out of place and a far cry from the joys of Mario Kart.
Still lacking that ‘queer eye’, the kreators of Armageddon have decided to give gamers the key to the spandex wardrobe. Soon to be featured on ‘What not to Wear’ as a virtual wardrobe for single mums looking for zing in their evening wear, the selection of ridiculous costume parts on offer will mean your kombatant really stands out at the disco. Scotchgard is optional but advisable considering the blood on the dance floor.
With online play, an overwhelming amount of unlockables (why they have to be locked in the first place is a mystery of modern gaming) and a bumper pack size of kontent it looks like a good deal but John Doe will be buying the game for the kombat so he can disembowel his friends and that unfortunately is a tawdry, stilted affair lacking the fluidity, joy and true depth of its peers.
Next weeks review - Mortal Kombat: Kross Stitch Konunrdrums.
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