Platform: Xbox 360 Live Arcade
Verdict: A touch of zen
Rating: 4/5
Ninjas, they get a tough deal in life. When most action heroes just wade through bad guys with an arsenal of guns, ninjas have to traverse complex, insurpassable terrain utilising inhuman feats of acrobatic derring-do. When they finally get to fight it's often lonesome ninja with sword vs giant robotic squirrel with lasers for eyes and a heart of doom. If I was a ninja i'd go on strike.
n+ features one such super assassin, tasked with merely surviving a series of over 300 rooms where death lies waiting like a snickering kid. Each room has an exit and a switch to open it, getting to them alive is your goal. In your way lies a multitude of robots, mines and death defying leaps, and you don't have a sword.
Fusing old school 2D platforming with modern rag doll physics and momentum based gameplay, n+ is a wonderful minimalist game that orders you to master the art of jumping and seat-of-the-pants acrobatics, or pay with your comedic ragdoll death.
Using momentum, n+ allows your ninja to pull off spectacular jumps with careful timing. With wall jumping, improvised platforming and a touch of panicked luck, n+ at your best is a graceful ballet between homing rockets, death lasers and a twisting ninja. At your worst it's an exercise in frustration that thanks to polished programming, is always your fault.
Littering each room is a series of yellow dots that increase your time limit (disguised as an ever decreasing health bar). It's not imperative to collect them all before finding the exit but the collect-em-up nature of score chasing can often turn the simplest level into the most difficult - a choose your own difficulty level if you will.
Oddly addictive yet simplistic, n+ is a polished experience with expansive features like online multiplayer, a map editor, the all important leader board and saved replays (for when you pull off that seamless, super human run).
Initially debuting on the PC and darling of the indie scen, n+ proves how worthwhile Xbox Live Arcade is by bringing such gems to the masses. A ninja achievement indeed.