Platform: Xbox 360
Verdict: Rocket racer
Rating: 4½/5
Undoubtably the crown in the 360's launch lineup, Project Gotham Racing 3 was a sharp wake up to the world of Hi Def gaming. Featuring visuals that veered close to photo realism, its high-speed gameplay was also top notch yet as a sequel it disappointed many hardcore fans with its flawed balance.
After Sega Rally's over the top power drifting and mud splattering insanity, PGR4 initially feels too reserved with its tight controls and sterilised aesthetics. Perseverance however proves most rewarding.
Completely revising the handling model for the exotic bunch of cars on offer, Bizarre Creations has finally tweaked the series to perfection. Awarding speedy or technical driving, the new Kudos system helps broaden the games appeal to players of differing tastes while the handling models are at once forgiving for beginners, yet sufficiently deep enough for pro players to find rewarding.
Visuals have been further stepped up, creating a jaw dropping game that looks even better when the new weather effects kick in. The game's attention to detail is second to none too – from real cities accurately recreated to the colour of the speedometer in a Lotus' cockpit view, PGR4 is a sight to behold. Replays and a photo mode help cement how good the game really looks when your eyes aren't fixed on the vanishing point.
PGR4 also takes a large step outside its comfort zone by including motorbikes for the first time. Potentially game breaking, it was a brave move that has generally paid off, as they open up new areas of Kudos to explore. Handling does take some getting used to while riding a motorbike online is brave thing considering the ease at which an opponent can send you tumbling with a gentle shove of his car.
As well as reams of evolutions, gameplay modes and online components, PGR4 also includes the wondrous neon rage of Geometry Wars Waves as an arcade machine in your garage. The inevitable PGR5 will no doubt include the kitchen sink.
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